Write For us
Topics that we are accepting
Do you have a passion for cars? Do you want to tell the world about your love of cars? If that’s the case, contributing an article to our site could be a fantastic opportunity to both expand your online presence and teach others.
You can submit your guest post on variety of automotive related topics, including but not limited to:
- Automotive
- Auto Parts
- Transportation
- Electric Cars
- Hybrid Cars
- Future Car Technologies
- Concept Cars
- Car Accessories
- Automotive Industry
- Car Maintenance
Submission Guidelines
Please review our submission guidelines before contacting us about submitting a guest article. Articles that are not AI-generated, have not been published elsewhere, and provide unique, helpful information to our readers will be given top priority.
Your submitted content should follow content marketing best practices and not use keyword stuffing or any text that is unfit for our business. This content will be removed from our website.
Content Quality
Articles should be well-written and free of typos and grammatical errors. Concentrate on one facet of automobiles or the auto industry. The sponsoring company’s business model needs to align with ours. For instance, postings and content linking to sex or gaming websites will not be accepted. Each article needs to be at least 800 words long; however, 2,000 and 2,500 are ideal. Nothing submitted can have been published or submitted elsewhere; this includes no instances of plagiarism. The content you submit must be 100% unique and never seen before. Ideally, it would be well-researched, educational, and interesting to read.Images
Include 1-2 images (optional) to accompany your article. Please make sure you have the right to use the image you submit. If the image needs to be credited to the photographer, please let us know when submitting your content.Links
You are allowed to include one or two links in your article. They should be marked no-follow. Links with a dofollow will not be included because they are against Google’s guidelines. Our team performs regular checks on posted links to make sure they follow the proper guidelines, and if not, they will be removed immediately. If you have any questions about our submissions guidelines, feel free to contact us.How to submit a Guest Post on CarzDaily.ca
Just send us an email using our contact Us page with any questions you may have and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
It’s important to keep in mind that the editorial staff has complete discretion over whether or not to publish the content you submit, as well as any requests to make changes.